Volume 24 Issue 1 - January 1, 2019

Theistic Evolution and Biblical Creation: No Middle Ground

Theistic evolution depicts a world in which decay, predation, destruction, and death have always been present.

Greg A. King

January 1, 2019


Ellen White, Health, and the Third Angel’s Message - 2

Christians might seriously consider Ellen White’s urging to understand and follow the principles of health.

Warren A. Shipton

January 1, 2019


Miracles and Natural Law

Although naturally impossible, miracles do not need to be understood as opposing natural laws.

Glauber S. Araújo

January 1, 2019


Luther’s Idea of Church

In His wisdom, Luther believed, God had decreed the church to be the means of grace, without which no one could be saved.

Darius W. Jankiewicz

January 1, 2019